An Open Letter

Hi, it’s me again.


How do we find our way when all seems hopeless, and we feel we are in a slow descent to hell?  Seek the lesson at the moment.  Relationships are complicated and often confusing.  Each of us has unique and different needs.


Do you feel you have mastered all the wrong lessons at various points in your life?  It will take trial and error to find balance.  For example, not asking for exactly what we want.  We don’t say what we mean.  We avoid telling the truth so as not to upset other people.  We wait too long to express what we are thinking.  We look back at these situations and realize we were rushed to complete what we were working on or toward just to fail.  You cannot change what you refuse to confront.


We lose our way only to find a deeper meaning.  Maybe this is what heals us, facing pain and finding blessings all mixed up in it.


With age comes wisdom and there is no way to turn back.  Just stand there for a moment and refocus, then we can find the place that is our truth.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2017

An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.


Strength isn’t about bearing a cross of grief or shame.  It is about choosing our path and living with the consequences of our choices and then learning from them.  Sometimes you have done your very best, and it still ends up a mess.


Don’t be discouraged.  At least you tried.  You found the courage to try.  That is all we can ever really do.  So, regroup and begin again with what you know now.  Life is all about taking chances which could mean making a life change, and that is always scary.  What is scarier to me is living with regret.


Most fears are bigger in your mind than in reality.  You will see this for yourself as soon as you face them.  Don’t let fear stop you.  Live your life so you will never have to regret.


Hold tight to the good things.  Life is simple.  Everything happens for you, not to you.  God is never a minute late or a minute early.  He is always on time.


Positive things happen in your life when you emotionally distance yourself from the negative.  So, stop holding on to what hurts and make room for the good stuff.


When you can’t think of a reason to continue, think of a reason to start over.  There is a big difference between giving up and starting over in the right direction.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


© Soul – Lutions September 23, 2015


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016

An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.


When is the right time to turn off life support?  There is a difference between fighting with each other and fighting against each other.  A house divided cannot stand.


When you are unhappy and disconnected and thinking about pulling the plug, you are not alone.  There are a lot of people out there who are fed up, washed up and feel depleted; this is not living.


Who do you trust?  First, take a deep breath and trust yourself.  Second, consider what you want.  It sounds crazy but how many people in relationships are in power struggles, feel disrespected and unloved?


Quit fighting to make people see the real you.  Some don’t want to and some simply won’t or can’t.


Life, time and energy are precious.  Don’t waste it anymore on defending who you are.  You can’t create seers out of the blind.  Criticize away because it is probably not the real me you see and whose fault is that?


Don’t base your self-worth on the way things are going with current people in your life.  Don’t spend time reflecting on the way so many people have hurt or tried to break you in the past.  It takes soul- searching and understanding your reality.  Nobody knows that better than you.


You are good enough, and you deserve the best!


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016

An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.


If you invest in seeing the world with negative interpretations and if you look for selfishness, you will find it.  If you look for animosity, you will find it.


What we see is what we look for in situations and people.  The real question on any given day is why are you clinging to a negative story?  What is the payoff in holding on to someone else’s judgment?


You can never know for sure what motivates other people.  Becoming aware of the truth and working on expressing yourself more fully, taking an honest look at what you see and voicing what you truly think is how we are more likely to experience success.


If we as a human race could get inspired by other people’s victories instead of finding fault, we would find greater happiness and success; this is how we find peace.


When a person around you is judgmental, and you are passively quiet, aren’t you part of the problem and not part of the solution?  Hypocrisy is not attractive.  Can the blind lead the blind?


There are no excuses for judging other people.  When you do, you are condemning yourself.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016


An Open Letter

The people who promised

Hi, it’s me again.


I was thinking about insecure people and how they create self-fulfilling prophecies.  Individuals who are insecure will say, “come on in and join the circus.”


Insecurity is at the heart of many broken relationships.  Insecure people feel attacked even when no attack has happened.  They will be cold, judge and most of the time take the first strike all to protect themselves.  There comes the point when you have to walk away.


People will judge you, hurt you, put you down and try to break you.  Most often, this has nothing to do with you at all so remind yourself not to take it personally.  Hold the space.  In other words, set your boundary and take care of yourself.


Being in an uncertain relationship is difficult.  There is no need to rush in if the relationship is not worth fighting for except what is.  You don’t need to convince anyone.  You are not put here for anyone’s approval; none of us are.  You don’t need to convince anyone of your reasons, your directions or why you are telling some people to get out of your way.


It is okay not to be with them.  You have to change the way you look at it.  Again, set your boundaries and protect them fiercely.  Only you can teach people how to treat you.  They might not care at all, or they might not have any idea what they have done wrong.  After all, they are insecure, always finger pointing and placing blame.


Sometimes you have loved until you are worn out from it all and you have to love from a distance.  There will always be those whose love is unconditional. When they walk in, they don’t suck the oxygen out of the room.  They are the keepers.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016


An Open Letter

Finger Pointing

Here is what I was thinking:


On any given day, if you are listening to people talk, their pain and misery are real.  You cannot in any way make anyone feel an emotion.


I have talked to people about this idea of is it truly an emotion or are you being challenged by something much deeper.  We are all self-centered by nature.  Finger pointing and blame always seem to be on the menu.


I can understand cause and effect.  I push the pencil, and it rolls.  I drop the vase, and it breaks.  Our responsibility to ourselves and God does.


We are creatures of habit.  Our ego is telling us something is missing in our lives, other people are to blame, and they repeatedly express contempt instead of forgiving and walking away.


We have to stop remaining behind a wall of resentment.  We have a hard time coming to terms with whatever is ending or beginning.


Honesty with ourselves is the key.  To heal a broken soul, you must confront the thing that caused it, face it and learn from it.  Not everyone is going to like you, and you don’t have to like them either.


Instead of getting mired down in it all, the best way to help yourself is to forgive, try to put it behind you, walk away and live well.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016


An Open Letter

A negative mind

Here is what I was thinking:


Sometimes when we are on our knees filled with dread and our pain is deep, or we have had high hopes for events in our life that haven’t occurred yet, believe there is always a plan put in place even when we don’t know it.  It is important to be positive and have a great outlook instead of conjuring up all of the worst case scenarios.  God is listening.  He hears.


If it is challenging for you now, remember you are the best.  Don’t accept second best.  We all deserve love and compassion.  Give yourself a break.  Believe there is already a plan in place.  Maybe not the plan you had hoped for, but it is a better plan.


There is always more than one way to look at a situation.  It is simple.  When we start to use our power instead of giving it away, we can expect miracles.  It will shift us from fear to love.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016



An Open Letter


Here is what I was thinking:


You cannot change the people around you but you can change the people you choose to be around.


Pain doesn’t show up in our lives for no reason.  It is a clear sign something needs to change.


Thirst is a primary physical need, like hunger.  It is more than a mere craving or philosophical inquiry.  It is a necessary need.  Actual physical hunger left unsatisfied results in death.


If man’s soul thirst for truth, nothing less than the genuine article, the whole truth will do.  No matter how hard or how often the mind attempts to convince the soul, your heart knows the difference.  Left unsatisfied, the thirst of man’s soul results in kind of a spiritual death – until the whole truth arrives.


I am being led to recognize I have all that I need to complete this journey of a lifetime.  Fear doesn’t permanently block my progress; it only arrests it temporarily.


If you pay attention to what is happening around you, you will understand a lot more about the logic of life.  It will mean nothing if you are still in love with your comfort zone.  Let’s face it; you are not the same individual you were a year ago, a month ago or a week ago.  You are always growing; experiences don’t stop; that is life!


Changes only occur when we become who we truly are.  Here is my point; drama does not just walk into your life.  Either you create it, invite it or associate with it.  I am not afraid of truth anymore.  I will not omit pieces of me to make you comfortable…


Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey.  They don’t need to.  It is not for them.


Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016


An Open Letter

I Left The Light On

Hi, it’s me again.


In a perfect world, we would all be able to experience a place deep inside our heart of hearts where we could find peace where we would be able to tolerate being in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations and be okay.


What is home?  I have been thinking a lot about this lately.  Is it a feeling of comfort, a physical place or maybe some combination of the two?


We are an anxious species.  In fact, we live in an uncertain world.  There is no question uncertainty has increased dramatically in these last few years.


Every day we face numerous inconveniences and irritations that are beyond our control.  We have to learn to navigate if not endure them cheerfully.  God will it so be it.


This kind of logic is so far beyond our comprehension.  Realize that home is not a beautiful structure.  It is a place that invites you to come in and relax.  There are many ways we can find a home.  Whether we are proud of it, ashamed of it, love or hate it, miss it or are trying desperately to get back to it, it is where we are from and will always be a big part of who we are.  In the end, we are all headed for home.


I don’t need to tap my ruby slippers to know the value of coming home.  I imagine being led to that place of peace, love and light will feel magical.


Even if you are lost and begin to question these things, you are headed in the right direction.


Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. (c)


Written with love.
#home #shineyourlight


Joy M. Mills
Copyright (c) 2016

An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.

Recently I had a conversation with someone who could not or would not understand why things were not coming together in their life.


It is sad when others turn away, doors close, you are not able to move forward and are stuck because you don’t understand.  Next time a door is closing or has already closed, take a moment to ponder why nothing seems clear.


God always has a plan; not always our plan but a bigger, better plan that has not revealed itself.  A negative mindset and actions only create more turmoil.


People may continue to hurt us despite our best efforts to get along with them.  They may never change, but when we learn to do what is best for ourselves without harming anyone else, we begin to accept what has happened and can move beyond it.  We become wiser and more peaceful.


Here is the thing, if you are standing at a closed door and searching for something or someone wonderful who will step out from behind and change your life, has it ever crossed your mind that person just might be you.


Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.
#soullutions #wiser #peaceful


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016