An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.


What would I say to have a truly successful outcome of anything when you are faced with obstacles?  You can’t go over, under or around with determination.  The only way through is straight through even when you don’t want to go…  Perhaps this is what is happening to you right now.


When you are faced with delay, disappointment or even heartbreak, you have to have a strong belief in yourself.  As human beings we have a very fixed idea on how something should go, what we want to do or we look to others for approval instead of deciding for ourselves.


Two things are infinite:  God and human stupidity.  You have to do the work.  I compare it to people who think sitting in a garage will make them a car.  You have to be honest with yourself.  We need to be able to find ourselves when we have lost ourselves.  No one is in charge of your happiness except you.


Here is the thing:


Each and everyone of you deserve a loving and harmonious space and deserve to be treated with love and respect.  It begins with you…


Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.
#itisyourlifeliveit #peacewillfindyou


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016

An Open Letter


Cray Cray
(Urban slang for crazy)

Hi, it’s me again.

What does the statement “baptism by fire” mean? It means you have to prove to yourself you are capable, keep going even when you want to turn back and be able to move forward on your own steam…

If you only realized worrying is literally betting against you. There are times when we have to put up with the uncomfortable part of our lives because what we label as problems might be opportunities in disguise – opportunities that help us get over the darker times…

I understand fleeing would be the first option and giving up at the first hurdle would be human nature but the best parts of your life might be on the very next horizon. You won’t know unless you try.

You might get knocked down one hundred times or maybe more. We have to endure some bitterness at least because we owe it to the younger versions of ourselves who were so determined at the beginning. To them anything was possible.

If you get stuck in a downward vortex of fear, anxiety and self-ridicule, remember it is not life that matters but the courage we bring to it. How much courage do we need to really live our lives?

Our ego is the part of us that likes to reject the moment and focus on the future rather than accept what is in the present so it makes it hard to experience any kind of joy.

This month I want to gently urge you to push yourself and open up to the possibility that there are better options.

I wish I could show you when you are vulnerable, lonely or in the darkness that astonishing light that is your own being… and that you could truly believe it. When you get out of your own way, your light will shine… endlessly. It takes a conscious choice. Challenge yourself and focus on the lessons already learned. That is all you really need from yesterday.

Focus on love of yourself first and you will create happiness instead of worrying about it… If you can’t that is just cray cray and you will miss opportunities.

Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016

An Open Letter

Talk Without Feedback

Hi, it’s me again.

A couple of years back just before Christmas one of my favorite stories as I recall goes something like this:

I was standing in a check out line and the lady in front of me was getting her items ready to check out. The woman behind the counter had taken the woman’s items, rang them up, neatly folded them, and placed them in two bags and asked, “cash, check or card?” As the customer fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control for her television being pulled out from her purse. The lady behind the counter asked, “Do you always carry your remote control?” The customer’s reply was, “No but my husband refused to go shopping with me so I thought this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.” Sounded downright snarky! There was a roar of laughter behind me…

Are you encountering people who are struggling inwardly and putting on an outward mask? You can see at the same time they are hiding resentment when questioned about anything. You know the ones who provide non-verbal cues or verbal cues because it might threaten their cozy, little world. When they do these things, they can avoid taking responsibility for what they are really doing. What is the modus operandi here?

I wondered, “Was this snark slinger a habitual offender?” The best way to deal with this type of verbal word play is to remain neutral and don’t react!

Our families frame our understanding of who we are and who we can be. We have a choice. If you want positivity in your life, you can’t steal a remote control and not expect drama.

Now, the real issue: the Snark Factor… It takes the wind out of a nasty person’s sail if you are direct, yet, non-threatening. Talk without feedback is a monologue not a conversation. You have to really open your heart and mind and be a good listener. Good communication just might solve a problem.

When I think of the story of the remote control, I often wonder did the husband and wife ever have a real conversation? If nothing else, it was entertaining and a good lesson for me not to take my husband’s remote control because I don’t like something he did or said. He just might not enjoy shopping…

Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©

Written with love.
#dontjustwaittotalk #listen


Joy M. Mills
© 2015

An Open Letter

Chaff and Kneed Grain

“Pour out all of the contents of one’s heart,
chaff and grain together knowing the
gentleness of hands will take and sift it,
keep what is worth keeping and with a
breath of kindness, blow the rest away…”


Hi, it’s me again.

It only takes one cloud to block the light of the sun… In this time of uncertainties, technology brings convenience but ever-escalating expectations of productivity and 24/7 availability – tension…

What I have realized is we need to take a step back. Everyone can’t be in the front row. Life is a theatre so invite your audience carefully – be a better friend. Start with yourself. There may be a wonderful story in every soul you come across…

A friend is one to whom one may pour out all of the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together knowing the gentleness of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.

In the end, happiness is not absent of problems but simply the ability to deal with them. Look at what you have and not what you have lost or believe you have lost. Sometimes we have to make hard choices to be happy. It is a trade off.

Don’t let negativity and drama get the best of you. People who enjoy laughter gain strength and understand to tune out negativity and try to make everything more positive. Be wise enough to follow in their footsteps; walk away from the nonsense…  May we all find a sense of peace and wellbeing in the days to come.

Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.
#happiness #kindness #love


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2015

An Open Letter


Hi, it’s me again.

It saddens me we are living in an ever-increasing disconnected world. We are all looking for something… and some days peace can’t find you.

Have you ever dealt with a family member whose attitude is my way or the highway? Some of us may feel inclined to revert back to our childhood when something doesn’t work out the way we hoped. You might start to act out and rebel…

What we have to remember is everybody else isn’t always holding all of the cards – we can’t always see the issue as black or white – there are shades of gray. If it were that simple, problems in your life would either be totally right or totally wrong…

Remember happiness is fleeting. It is a sunshiny day then the clouds come in. The day becomes dark and there are heavy winds. Every feeling and all of the changes we go through in our lives become precious when we realize it is necessary to create contrasting beauty.

Having knowledge and possessing wisdom are two different things. Knowledge knows what to do. Wisdom is being able to do it. When it comes to family our struggle is to put only one practice into play.

People around you should be a constant source of wisdom, comfort, guidance and inspiration. These are positive qualities. We have to figure out how we can become a beacon of hope for ourselves and bring our families, by way of birth or the ones we picked, to come along on our journey.

If people are not supporting your journey and you feel drained then it is time for introspection. A little soul searching can go a long way.

It may seem intimidating. It may make you feel as if you are all alone. God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. What are you using them for?

There is nothing wrong with being humble but that doesn’t always work in your favor. You don’t have to do anything epic – a simple act of compassion or joy towards yourself or others could make you feel better.


Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
#heartstrings #family #inspirationandguidance


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2015