“In the end, only three
things matter: how much you
loved, how gently you lived
and how gracefully you let
go of things not meant for you.”
The greatest truth about anxiety is that it is a message. Anxiety is not the real issue. It is the voice of something else lying beneath that is calling out to you. The message is simple: it is just four words – take care of yourself.
The good news is that it is an illusion. Until you catch on, start listening and heal the source of the message, it will keep trying to spin you around so that you are facing it long enough to understand what it is trying to say.
Here is what we shouldn’t do, like most people I know, spend a lot of time in business that is not ours. As a recovering control freak, there are three things I know for sure about trying to control things: 1. We try to control things because of what we think will happen if we don’t. In other words, control is rooted in fear. 2. Control is also a result of being attached to an outcome. When we trust that we are okay no matter what circumstances come our way, we don’t need to micromanage the Universe! When we let go, we can open ourselves up to possibilities. 3. The energy of surrender accomplishes much more than control.
Fear is a mile high and a mile wide but only paper-thin. You must walk straight through it.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
Written with love.
Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2017
*This article is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal or other professional advice. This article was written to support, not replace medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you feel you have a condition.