Hi, it’s me again.
What would I say to have a truly successful outcome of anything when you are faced with obstacles? You can’t go over, under or around with determination. The only way through is straight through even when you don’t want to go… Perhaps this is what is happening to you right now.
When you are faced with delay, disappointment or even heartbreak, you have to have a strong belief in yourself. As human beings we have a very fixed idea on how something should go, what we want to do or we look to others for approval instead of deciding for ourselves.
Two things are infinite: God and human stupidity. You have to do the work. I compare it to people who think sitting in a garage will make them a car. You have to be honest with yourself. We need to be able to find ourselves when we have lost ourselves. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Here is the thing:
Each and everyone of you deserve a loving and harmonious space and deserve to be treated with love and respect. It begins with you…
Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
Written with love.
#itisyourlifeliveit #peacewillfindyou
Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016