An Open Letter

Hi, it’s me again.


It is not even the end of 2017, and here I am writing yet again about soul-destroying grief. These last ten days, three deaths. Two so young they had more life in front of them than behind. One, not even what should be considered the half-way point in life.


These are people’s children. Only a parent understands the powerful bond you have with your child. The absolute undying love you have and the monumental desire that roars like an open fire inside you to protect that child at all costs. A parent will lay down their life for their child, but it is not until you have your own do you understand these strong, unyielding emotions.


On the surface, it appears our society is accepting of this unbearable sadness, death. However, in some situations, I have been surprised by some people’s genuine kindness and empathy as much as I have repeatedly been shocked and disappointed by their lack of it. A few weeks ago I had written an article called “There should be a Hierarchy of Grief” on JoyM.Mills Facebook Sunday Soul – Lutions.


The bottom line is people are uncomfortable with death and dying, period. Maybe they fear from knowing too much they may be obsessed with their loved ones dying or perhaps they beg and plead with God on a daily basis nothing touches them emotionally or breaks their heart much less anything that fractures their soul.


We have to be supportive and not try to fix it. If we don’t understand a person’s feelings, don’t say you do. Admit you can’t make it better. Recognize the loss. There is no time limit for grief. Don’t try to rationalize, explain or compare it to anything you have been through unless you truly understand, this minimizes a person’s loss, and it sucks!


So many people don’t say anything because they are afraid they will say the wrong thing. There is no right way except to say I am sorry. Distance is not good. If you think the grieving person hasn’t noticed you are slowly but surely pulling away; you are wrong. Stop oscillating, reach out.


To all of you reading this that have suffered unspeakable grief, I am sorry for your loss.


Remember to keep the circle, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2017


*This article is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal or other professional advice. This article was written to support, not replace medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you feel you have a condition.


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to address those with clinical depression or other mental illnesses.