An Open Letter

Hi, it’s me again.


Today I was having a conversation with someone, and we were talking about division versus addition, not math. However, if you think of it in terms of math, when we are dividing numbers, I think of reduction. When we are adding numbers, I think of enhancement. For instance, if I am balancing my checkbook and find an error and I get to add an amount, I am thrilled.


Which brings me to family and friends (represented by a house); it cannot be stable and strong by itself when divided. Here the division refers to various mentalities and perceptions of different members of the group. If they all think alike, they will be united forever and no one can do anything to break it. However, if they keep fighting and disagreeing with each other all of the time, the group will eventually break.


People can light up the whole sky. Many people think solid relationships of any kind are based on feelings. It has to be based on camaraderie, love, mutual respect, and most importantly, trust. On one hand, we have a great feeling like sunshine when certain people are around – even though we would like for it to be sunny every day, the truth is that the amount of sunshine changes regularly. Some days it is nice and sunny; on others, it is partly cloudy and the things we think and feel are barely there at all. So, when I hear someone say I don’t care anymore, take it for what it usually is. They are not willing to make the effort required to maintain the stability of any relationship.


Instead of backing away from any relationship, we could try to bounce back from the lowest of times and make the best of times. The times you look back years later and burst out laughing. The times you will tell your kids so that they too can learn to appreciate people and the world around them.


What you gain is something priceless. You never know in a family, friendships or any relationship, you could be someone’s hero.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2017


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to address those with clinical depression or other mental illnesses.