Hi, it’s me again.
When is the right time to turn off life support? There is a difference between fighting with each other and fighting against each other. A house divided cannot stand.
When you are unhappy and disconnected and thinking about pulling the plug, you are not alone. There are a lot of people out there who are fed up, washed up and feel depleted; this is not living.
Who do you trust? First, take a deep breath and trust yourself. Second, consider what you want. It sounds crazy but how many people in relationships are in power struggles, feel disrespected and unloved?
Quit fighting to make people see the real you. Some don’t want to and some simply won’t or can’t.
Life, time and energy are precious. Don’t waste it anymore on defending who you are. You can’t create seers out of the blind. Criticize away because it is probably not the real me you see and whose fault is that?
Don’t base your self-worth on the way things are going with current people in your life. Don’t spend time reflecting on the way so many people have hurt or tried to break you in the past. It takes soul- searching and understanding your reality. Nobody knows that better than you.
You are good enough, and you deserve the best!
Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
Written with love.
Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016