Hi, it’s me again.
If you invest in seeing the world with negative interpretations and if you look for selfishness, you will find it. If you look for animosity, you will find it.
What we see is what we look for in situations and people. The real question on any given day is why are you clinging to a negative story? What is the payoff in holding on to someone else’s judgment?
You can never know for sure what motivates other people. Becoming aware of the truth and working on expressing yourself more fully, taking an honest look at what you see and voicing what you truly think is how we are more likely to experience success.
If we as a human race could get inspired by other people’s victories instead of finding fault, we would find greater happiness and success; this is how we find peace.
When a person around you is judgmental, and you are passively quiet, aren’t you part of the problem and not part of the solution? Hypocrisy is not attractive. Can the blind lead the blind?
There are no excuses for judging other people. When you do, you are condemning yourself.
Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
Written with love.
Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016