An Open Letter

Finger Pointing

Here is what I was thinking:


On any given day, if you are listening to people talk, their pain and misery are real.  You cannot in any way make anyone feel an emotion.


I have talked to people about this idea of is it truly an emotion or are you being challenged by something much deeper.  We are all self-centered by nature.  Finger pointing and blame always seem to be on the menu.


I can understand cause and effect.  I push the pencil, and it rolls.  I drop the vase, and it breaks.  Our responsibility to ourselves and God does.


We are creatures of habit.  Our ego is telling us something is missing in our lives, other people are to blame, and they repeatedly express contempt instead of forgiving and walking away.


We have to stop remaining behind a wall of resentment.  We have a hard time coming to terms with whatever is ending or beginning.


Honesty with ourselves is the key.  To heal a broken soul, you must confront the thing that caused it, face it and learn from it.  Not everyone is going to like you, and you don’t have to like them either.


Instead of getting mired down in it all, the best way to help yourself is to forgive, try to put it behind you, walk away and live well.


Remember to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©


Written with love.


Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2016


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to address those with clinical depression or other mental illnesses.