Hi, it’s me again.
It saddens me we are living in an ever-increasing disconnected world. We are all looking for something… and some days peace can’t find you.
Have you ever dealt with a family member whose attitude is my way or the highway? Some of us may feel inclined to revert back to our childhood when something doesn’t work out the way we hoped. You might start to act out and rebel…
What we have to remember is everybody else isn’t always holding all of the cards – we can’t always see the issue as black or white – there are shades of gray. If it were that simple, problems in your life would either be totally right or totally wrong…
Remember happiness is fleeting. It is a sunshiny day then the clouds come in. The day becomes dark and there are heavy winds. Every feeling and all of the changes we go through in our lives become precious when we realize it is necessary to create contrasting beauty.
Having knowledge and possessing wisdom are two different things. Knowledge knows what to do. Wisdom is being able to do it. When it comes to family our struggle is to put only one practice into play.
People around you should be a constant source of wisdom, comfort, guidance and inspiration. These are positive qualities. We have to figure out how we can become a beacon of hope for ourselves and bring our families, by way of birth or the ones we picked, to come along on our journey.
If people are not supporting your journey and you feel drained then it is time for introspection. A little soul searching can go a long way.
It may seem intimidating. It may make you feel as if you are all alone. God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. What are you using them for?
There is nothing wrong with being humble but that doesn’t always work in your favor. You don’t have to do anything epic – a simple act of compassion or joy towards yourself or others could make you feel better.
Keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving. ©
#heartstrings #family #inspirationandguidance
Joy M. Mills
Copyright © 2015